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Parent Organizations

Our Community

These are just a handful of the things our robust network of parent volunteers help make possible at SSSAS. We know when families choose a school, they aren't just looking for a place for their student; they are looking for a place for themselves and their family, a place where they can meet new people and support our teachers and the school's programs.

Whether it is volunteering at an event, chaperoning a field trip, or helping to organize a service learning project, at SSSAS there are many ways our parents can get involved in the school and get to know one another.

You can join the Association of Parents and Teachers (APT), the Saints Athletics Club, the Performing Arts Boosters (PAB), or help out with all three! 

Association of Parents and Teachers

There are many ways to get involved with the APT. Want to be a room parent? Are you interested in supporting the community through service learning projects? Do you have an interest in sustainability? The APT offers opportunities to participate in all those things and more through committee participation as well as many annual events, including:

  • The Fall Welcome Back Party
  • Annual Spring Party and Auction
  • Spring Festival at the Lower School
  • Community Service and Service Learning Committee
  • Diversity and Multicultural Committee
  • Steve & Aggie's Café and Athletic Concession
  • Sustainability Committee

Saints Athletics Club

Want to relive the glory days of your high school athletics career? But this time from the sidelines? This group of dedicated, enthusiastic parents works together to support the athletic programs and teams of the school through volunteer efforts, financial contributions, and supporting athletic events. The Saints Athletics Club helps to ensure that students from all three divisions have the best facilities and equipment available, not to mention it is a terrific way to get to know other parents in the community! Some of the favorite annual Saints Athletics Club events include:

  • World Famous Pancake Supper
  • Saints Girls Invitational Basketball Tournament
  • Holiday Classic Wrestling Tournament
  • Sleepy Thompson Boys Basketball Tournament
  • Spring Fling Girls Lacrosse Tournament


Performing Arts Boosters

The Performing Arts Boosters plays an important role in the school’s mission by fostering student enthusiasm for artistic endeavor in the various drama, chorus, band, orchestra, and jazz programs on all three campuses. 

Throughout the year the Performing Arts Department has needs on all three campuses relating to performances, equipment, and trips. This volunteer committee raises funds to enhance these programs and works to boost the enthusiastic support for our talented students and faculty who make up the performing arts collectively. All funds raised by the PAB are made possible through Encore Donations and Pizza/Cookie Sales in the Middle and Upper Schools.